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Returns and Exchanges

Returns and Exchanges

We offer easy and hassle-free returns and exchanges to ensure you are fully satisfied with our products. Below you will find detailed information about our return and exchange policy.

Conditions for return:

  1. Return period: You have 14 calendar days from receipt of the goods to return or exchange.
  2. Condition of the goods: The goods must be undamaged, unused and in the original packaging with all labels.
  3. Refunds: We will refund your money within 10 business days after receiving and inspecting the returned item.

Procedure for returning goods:

  1. Contact Us: Email our customer support at with the subject line "Returns" and include your order number or a list of what you ordered.
  2. Shipping the goods: Please send the goods by registered mail to our address:
  3. Return costs: The shipping costs of returned goods are paid by the customer, unless the return is due to our fault (e.g. defective product).

Exchange conditions:

  1. Exchange for a different size or color: If you wish to exchange an item for a different size or color, please email our customer support at with the subject line "Exchange" and include your order number and the size or color you require.
  2. Exchange costs: The cost of shipping in both directions is paid by the customer, unless the exchange is caused by our error.


  1. Goods that cannot be returned: Some types of goods cannot be returned for hygiene reasons (swimwear, underwear, socks, earrings).
  2. Discount and Sale Items: Items purchased on sale or on sale cannot be returned or exchanged.


If you have any questions about returns or exchanges, please do not hesitate to contact us by email: or Instagram

Thank you for your understanding and we believe you will be satisfied with our products!

Any questions? DM us...